Sunday 20 May 2012

Pankrác, Servác, Bonifác

I am now of the opinion that until you experience seasons in a country where there are four distinct seasons, you haven't experienced them at all. I didn't think this would be quite true when people said it to me when I arrived in Prague but I can now see what all the fuss is about. 



We arrived in Prague in Summer, with everything (greenery wise) looking much the same as Australia; lush green parks, shady trees etc etc but them Autumn came. The term 'fall' now makes sense to me! Every tree was like a bronzed statue flecked with an assortment of golds, oranges yellows and reds. The parks looked as though they were on fire and slowly the ground became the playground for dancing leaves and their partners, children's feet. It was beautiful.

Then along came winter, as we knew she would. She had been playing with us for the months of September, October and November but she was now here to stay. Unfortunately, we didn't get to experience a 'typical' Czech winter as the weather was surprising 'warm' (yeah right) for the winter season. So as the months of winter wore on our only respite from the grey skies and drizzly weather was the few skiing trips we went on where we throughly enjoyed all that the winter season has to offer. Finally, after months of waiting, we got our snow in Prague! Only a few days worth mind, but oh so worth the wait. It was the first time we had seen snow actually falling and making itself known in the city streets. A smattering here and there at first, but then a nice fluffy, powdery layer or the gorgeous white stuff covered Prague. Ok, so the gorgeous white stuff only lasted half of one day, then in the city is was grey slush complete with yellow spots (ten points if you can guess what thats from) and frozen doggie poops. The trams and busses were a mess and the carpet at the School I work for was a disaster zone from all the teacher coming and going all day long. We couldn't keep the smiles off our faces though and we made the most of the snow by playing in the park all afternoon. 
Towards the end of winter we were beginning to feel a little disheartened by the seemingly never-ending cold weather. The days were short with the sun coming up at 8am and setting again at 4pm so, if you were working during the day all you really got to see was night time. It was a strange experience for us but it was this experience which makes us appreciate the return of spring all the more. 
Spring came a little unnoticed at first as winter was really wanting to keep it's hold on Prague. We had days of 25 degrees then the following day 10 degrees. We had sun shine, then rain, hot then cold and then a mixture of all of them in one day. The tulips were out and blooming and the cherry blossoms had created riot on Petřín Hill but not all of the trees and flowers were this trusting, preferring to stay in their little buds until Spring had definitely arrived. 

Wild Tulips popping up everywhere

Cherry Blossoms
So it happened that in the space of one day, barely enough time to tie your shoelaces and look out the window, Prague was bursting with fresh green leaves - the greenest we have ever seen. It looked as though God pulled out his pallet of green paints, every shade imaginable, and painted Prague with them. Green spaces in the city had their water fountains filled up again and their flower beds filled with a rainbow of beautiful pansies. The bikinis are back out and people are once again sun-baking in the parks, drinking beer in the beer gardens and riding their bikes everywhere. 
Just when we thought we were in for the long run of heat and sun,  Pankrác, Servác and Bonifác reared their ugly heads. Every year, on the 12-14 May, there is a cold spell; the last stand of winter people say, and these days are named  Pankrác, Servác and Bonifác. We find it amusing that they can predict these three days in the middle of May to be cold, and Czech's find it funny that we can't (or don't). They were predicted and they came, being with them cold, wet weather and frost, ruining all the newly budding fruit on trees. It just so happened that on this weekend the Prague International Marathon was being held in the city. Thousand of people participate either in groups or individually, and who ever wasn't competing was there to watch and cheer their friends on. Our room mate Ian was running in a relay team with a group of people from School. We went down and cheered him on and were lucky enough to actually see him and him see us as he ran past! It was so inspiring to see so many people get out and run, especially all of the older people running the marathon. Some people looked as if they had just rolled out of bed that morning and said "I think I'll run a marathon today" and got up and did it. People from all walks of life, older, younger, fatter, slimer, two legs, one leg (thats right) male and female. It was amazing to watch and cheer these remarkable people on. 

The warm weather did come back, it came back yesterday and we are making the most of it. The sun is rising at 5am and isn't going to bed until after 9pm! It's wonderful and I can now fully understand why the summer months here are to be treasured like a rare gift - because they literally are! So, after that, it's off to the park for me to enjoy the sunshine and catch the all to important afternoon sun.

Prague International Marathon by Vyšehrad 

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