Thursday 29 December 2011

Sad Times and Happy Times

We have had a roller coaster of a week last week as Jon's brother Nik arrived and our house mate Josiah had to leave. It was very sad to see Josiah go, after all of the hard work he put in to being here and getting a good job. It was just not meant to be for him and he left the Czech Republic with his head held high. We will miss him very much in our apartment and the Czech life already feels very different without him here. So the process begins for us of looking for a new room mate! This could be interesting...

On the other hand, Nik arrived the day before Josiah left and it is so wonderful to have him here with us over Christmas and New Year. He has taken up residence on the couch and is enjoying his time here so far. We have already tested out the Czech fireworks and are looking forward to the New Years tradition of setting off fireworks in the centre of town! Lets hope none of us lose an eye.

On Nik's first night and Josiah's last night here we had a big family dinner. It was a "Hello Nik" and "Goodbye Josiah" with a little bit of "Merry Christmas" thrown in too. It was a really nice night and a great way to spend Josiah's last night in Prague.

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