Saturday 30 July 2011

Finally Here!

You never realise how exhausting long haul travel is until you begin with a red eye flight...what a killer! We arrived in Dubai after a short stop over in Singapore airport at about 2pm. It was 44 degrees outside and any relieving breeze was straight off the desert and scorching! We decided to make the most of our time in the city and went sight seeing. First stop, Mall of the Emirates, with the indoor ski slopes and aquariums. Amazing! The whole centre just screamed of the wealth of the UAE, with every light, post and door frame adorned. We found our way to the ski slope (of course), but didn't go in this time. It looks like lots of fun, as you can watch through a glass wall the goings on of the "Ski Park". I was looked cold in there! We hopped back on the metro and found our way to the Burj Khalifa, or the worlds tallest building, which is just as impressive as it sounds! It really is huge, putting all of the other beautiful building surrounding it to shame. It, of course, had lights, fountains, palm trees (with lights too) and was a real spectacle to see at night when everything is lit up.
Totally exhausted and dehydrated by this time we called it a night and had to hop back on the metro to travel another 40 minutes to out hotel! For a place that looks to be small, it really isn't. The new and bedazzled areas of the city are spread out with old and run down areas in between which are full of cleared land, ready for the next new and exciting building to be built.

Burj Khalifa

We are now in Prague and it is very damp here (much like home i think) and after going the wrong way on the tram, getting very wet waiting for transport and confusing the poor man at the ticket kiosk in the metro with our lack of Czech, we are doing quite well with the transport :) as if. It will take LOTS of getting used to here, especially as people do not speak nearly as much english as we expected. Its all part of the experience though, and we are enjoying it all.

Prague Trams

Andel; waiting for the tram